Roca Novelties 2014

Since 1972 Events Roca Novelties 2014 As every year, in November ROCA has presented to its National Distributors the Novelties of the company for 2014. On 12th and 13th November the event, which gathered 400 people, was held at Princesa Sofia Hotel in Barcelona. The...

Interpretation Center Moli L’oli de Vandellós

Desde 1972 Fixed Facilities Interpretation Center Moli L’oli de Vandellós The obejtivo new Interpretation Centre Vandellòs Oil is not only providing a space for learning about this product, but mainly propose a new tourist offer by the Center will serve as a dynamic...

Roca Novelties 2012

Since 1972 Events Roca Novelties 2012 SONO’s role in both the gala dinner and in the presentation the next day included the audio-visual services, coordination and technical production of the event. A central feature of the installation was a panoramic 14 x 4 metre...

Felifonte Theme Park (Italy)

Desde 1972 Fixed Facilities Felifonte Theme Park (Italy) .SONO has developed four attractions for the new theme park in Felifonte, Italy: “The Secret of the Wind”, “The Secret of the Earth”, “Dreams” and “Centro di Cordinazione Cantieri”. Services provided: Management...

Lisbon World’s Fair 98

Desde 1972 Fixed Facilities Lisbon World’s Fair 98 Management project, installations of Venezuela Pavilion & Chile Pavilion – Spain Pavilion: Sono produced audio- visual shows all and every set of control systems and broadcast flag, which, through four...