Projector Product

PANASONIC PT EZ580 EJ PANASONIC PT-EZ570E EPSON EB-L1050 EPSON EB-L1070 PANASONIC PT-MZ770EJ Where we are? BARCELONA C/ Progress,29 (Pol. Industrial Almeda) 08940 Cornellá de Llobregat Barcelona Tel. +34 934 801 000 E-mail MADRID C/ Sepúlveda, 6 - Nave 26...

Important Insurer has our Audiovisual Services

Since 1972 Events Important Insurer has our Audiovisual Services One of the main insurers has trusted us as providers and integrators of audiovisual services for the annual convention of its branches at the Hotel Marriot Auditorium. He commissioned us to rent all the...