Desde 1972
Gaudi Centre Reus: New Audiovisual Experience
Gaudí Centre Reus renews its first floor with an innovative AV installation with Sono as audiovisual provider.
Sono had already carried out the first AV project in 2007, which made it be the most important tourism center in Reus. Last year, listening to the satisfaction surveys of visitors, the museum decided to reconsider the first floor with more audiovisual technology. Sono was selected one more time by public bid process, as specialist in AV design cultural and museographic installations.
The new exhibition is opening on 17th February and has 3 zones:
From Gaudí to Art Nouveau It shows objects and contents about personal life of the architect.
The dreams of Art Nouveau We get into a surrounding show which makes us travel to the Art Nouveau period in Europe, focusing on the figure of Lluís Domènech i Montaner. It is based in a multi-sensorial set-up that offers a genuine audiovisual experience. The video mapping is synchronized with spectacular lighting and surrounding sound (audio 5.1). The installation consists of 3 laser projectors with a large format projection screen of 15×3 meters.
Reus, art nouveau town Here the key is interactivity. This zone looks for visitor participation in social networks and with the AV equipment in the room, as multi-touch displays. Last stop pretends to be a photography study from Art Nouveu period and with chroma key technic offers the visitors different virtual scenarios for their souvenirs.
Where we are?
C/ Progress,29
(Pol. Industrial Almeda)
08940 Cornellá de Llobregat
Tel. +34 934 801 000
C/ Sepúlveda, 6 - Nave 26
(Pol. Industrial Alcobendas)
28108 Alcobendas (Madrid)
Tel. +34 916 624 217
Cartuja Center CITE
C/ Leonardo da Vinci, 7
41092 Sevilla
Tel. +34 916 624 .217
+34 609 564 092
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